A Night of Sweet and Delicious Memories

experiences memories mother Apr 22, 2019

I don’t usually attend my sister’s Passover celebration.  It’s a schlep and my current bed time is actually quite early.  But this year was the first Passover since my mom’s passing so I was moved to go.  Little did I realize it would be filled with some wonderful surprises.  

You see, my sister had made brisket and chicken cooked to my mother’s specifications!  It brought me back almost 8 years prior to when my mom still cooked. It was magical to experience the pleasure and the joy. I am so delighted that my sister still remembers how she cooked some of our favorite dishes. 

But wait! There is more!

My brother-in-law handed me a serving spoon for desert. It was SO familiar. I looked at it carefully and then I remembered.  You see, the handle was ever so melted. I laughed and smiled.  It was my mother’s and now its home was at my sister’s place. I was delighted.

My mother may not have been at this Passover Seder in one sense, but boy she was definitely there in so many others! 

So much gratitude to my sister!

What are your experiences with wonderful memories coming back to you?


Eric G. Schneider (c) 2019

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